Бур и Молот Эластомеры для вибропогружателя |

BUR & MOLOT manufactures and supplies elastomers for vibrators. We have a vibratory pile driver of domestic and foreign production, you can buy elastomers for the following brands:

  • Movax
  • ICE
  • MKT
  • PVE
  • Finaros
  • Junttan
  • Bauer

and others.

Specify the presence of certain brands by calling ttel: 88002508753 8 800 250-87-53.

Available Models SG-15N, SG-30N, SG-40N, SG-45, SG-50, SG-60, SG-75, SG-75V, SG-60V, SG-50V, SG-45V. < / p>

You can order a vibration damper today! We do our best to make cooperation with us comfortable and fast. You won’t have to wait long, because we know the value of time.

Title Brand Model
MOVAX Vibrator Elastomer Movax SP 20/30, SP 40, SP 50, SP 60, SPH 80
MOVAX Vibrator Elastomer Movax SP 20/30, SP 40, SP 50, SP 60, SPH 80
PVE Vibrator Elastomer PVE PVE40VM b 40VMC
ICE Vibrator Elastomer ICE ICE815

You can clarify all your questions about the purchase of spare parts by phone in St. Petersburg (812) 927-93-55 or by requesting info@burmolot.ru